The Sacred Association


Sacred Association in News

Sacred Association in the News, Media Coverage and Press-release

Tattva Shakti Therapy Camps

Tattva Shakti Therapy Camps

Sacred Association Video

Meditation: Precautions, Preparations, Process
Tattva Shakti Vigyaan: Talks about spiritual significance of childhood dreams which continue to haunt you till your adulthood.
Anger/Krodh: To get a real guidance on this issue, Divine Planet documented one of the live discussions between our beloved Master His Holiness Sri Agyaatdarshan Anand Nath and a Seeker on how to manage anger.
Activating The Joy Center - A talk by Acharya Agyaatdarshan

Tattva Shakti Vigyaan Deeksha Camps

Sacred Association Tattva Shakti Vigyaan Deeksha Camps

Glimpses of Sacred Association

Glimpses of Sacred Association